WFO IXWE - Archiving to Amazon S3

Doc ID    SOLN360230
Version:    2.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    02 Feb 2023
Created Date:   
Leonardo Langhi


Avaya WFO IXWE v15.2 and higher
Amazon S3 bucket as archiving media
Also applies to HCP working with S3

- Amazon S3 bucket for archiving
- An user account associated to this bucket with correct permissions (list, write, read, etc)
- A valid security credentials to the user above (key and secret id)
- A valid URL to the bucket according to resource location

Problem Clarification

How to create an Amazon S3 media/drive for archiving


Amazon S3 bucket been used as an archive media



  1. In Amazon Account
    1. Open the AWS Console as a root
    2. In search bar type “S3”, open the link
    3. Click on Create Bucket
    4. Type the name, the region
    5. Define Security schema
    6. Define versioning (is not recommended)
    7. Define encryption
    8. Click on create bucket
    9. Open the bucket, open the access point tab
  2. Visual Studio
    1. Install AWS Tools for Visual Studio
    2. In AWS Explorer
      1. select Website and copy the End Point URL or:
      2. right click on the bucket and create a pre signed URL or:
      3. define the URL based in resource location according to S3 specification, it should
    3. All steps above depend of Amazon S3 configuration and it should be provided by S3 administrator. The link have to open the file system above the bucket.
  1. Define Media Type
    1. In EM click Recording Management, go to Archive Media under Campaigns
    2. Click create button
    3. Select Amazon S3 under Type
    4. Define Name
    5. Define Path, you can use the AWS Explorer for Visual Studio to generate a valid URL (b.2)
    6. Define Bucket Name
    7. Define Authentication Type
    8. Define Access Key_ID
    9. Define Secret Key
    10. Associate with Archive Database
  2. Create a Campaign
    1. On the Recording Management > Campaigns > Settings page, click Create.
    2. Type a Campaign Name
    3. Check Enabled to have the campaign available to assign to Archive drives
    4. Set others configuration
    5. Click Save.
  3. Create a Schedule
    1. On the Recording Management > Campaigns > Schedules page, click Create
    2. Define a Name
    3. Specify whether the schedule is applied to both Central and Local Archives or Central Archives only.
    4. Set the times that the schedule runs.
  1. Create a Drive
    1. Open Enterprise, settings, click on Recorder Setting
    2. Click launch to Open Recorder Manager
    3. In Recorder Manager, click on Operations, Drives
    4. Click Create
    5. Select Amazon S3
    6. Define a name for the drive
    7. Chose the Media created in step C as a target
    8. Define other fields as business proposes
    9. Click Save
  2. Restart Archiver Service
    1. Open System Tools, watchdog
    2. Select Recorder Archiver Service, click Stop
    3. Click Start, allow watchdog start as well.

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