Merlin 1030 3070, Merlin 206, Merlin 410: How to program the date and time

Doc ID    ADMN100468
Version:    3.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    18 May 2012
Created Date:    24 Jul 2007
Monique Cadena


  • All Analog Telephone Line (ATL) display telephones such as BIS-22D and BIS-34D have the ability to show the time, day, and date on the display.
  • The programming needs to be done manually on each phone.


Here is the procedure for programming  the date and time for Classic Merlin Phones (Analog Telephone Line).


  1. Press Set until the item you want to change flashes.
  2. Press Fwd or Rev to advance or reverse the Time, Day or Date.
  3. When the correct Time, Day or Date appears, press Set.
  4. If only a particular item needs to be set, such as Time, Day, or Date, press Exit after programming it.
  5. If the Time, Day and Date need to be programmed simply press Set not Exit.

    Note: If Exit is pressed, four zeroes appear in the place of the Date. This is for the Timer. Press Exit again to display the corrected Time, Day and Date.

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