Adjuncts and Adapters: How to set the Auto Attendant Time Clock

Doc ID    ADMN100474
Version:    2.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    06 May 2012
Created Date:    13 Jun 2008
Monique Cadena


  • This applies to MERLIN® II Communications System, MERLIN® Plus Communications System, SPIRIT 1224/2448, SPIRIT 308/616, and PARTNER® Plus Communications System.

This article describes how to change the Stand Alone Auto Attendant time clock. Use this procedure during Daylight Savings time changes.

  • On Merlin Legend and Merlin II systems, it is recommended you use a single line set to program settings on the Auto Attendant.
  • On all Merlin systems (Merlin Plus, Merlin II, Merlin Legend), if using a multi-line Merlin phone to program the Auto Attendant, when the programming instructions specify pressing [ # ] (pound sign), you must press this button twice for the Attendant to recognize the keystroke.
  • On Merlin Plus systems, access the attendant by calling an outside line that the Attendant answers.

    To adjust the clock for Daylight Savings Time:

    Call the Auto Attendant on intercom or on one of the lines the Auto Attendant answers.

    When you hear the main Announcement or a beep, dial [ * ] [ the security code ] [ # ] (should get 2 confirmation beeps).

    - Dial [ * ] [ 7 ] [ 2 ].

    - Dial [ 1 ] to Add 1 hour (normally in Spring to Start Daylight Savings Time)

    - Dial [ 2 ] to Subtract 1 hour (normally in Fall to End Daylight Savings Time).

    To verify this is programmed correctly, dial [ * ] [ # ] . The correct Announcement should play.

    To set the current date and time: (You must set the Date to Set the Time):
  1. Call the Auto Attendant on Intercom or on one of the lines the Auto Attendant answers.
  2. When you hear the main Announcement or a beep, dial [ * ] [ the security code ] [ # ] (should get 2 confirmation beeps).

    Dial [ * ] [ 7 ] [ 1 ] .

    Enter one digit for current day of week:

    [ 1 ] =Sunday [ 5 ] =Thursday

    [ 2 ] =Monday [ 6 ] =Friday

    [ 3 ] =Tuesday [ 7 ] =Saturday

    [ 4 ] =Wednesday
  3. Enter two digits for the current month ([ 0] [ 1 ] =January...[ 1] [ 2 ] =December).
  4. Enter two digits for current date (01-31).
  5. Enter two digits for current year (example: 01 for 2001)
  6. Enter four digits for current time in 24-hour notation (0000 = 12 midnight, 2359 = 11:59 P.M.).
  7. Press [ # ] to Accept time. (A 2-beep confirmation tone sounds)To verify this solved the trouble, dial [ * ] [ # ] . The correct Announcement should play.

    *Year 2000+ info:

    Depending on the release of the Attendant, you may not be able to enter the correct year.

    If you enter the current year (e.g. [ 0 ] [ 0 ] for 2000, [ 0 ] [ 1] for 2001), and you do not receive the 2-beep confirmation at the end of the programming sequence, try programming the year as 1980 (dial [ 8 ] [ 0 ] ). The unit does not depend on the year for correct operation and this should clear the trouble.

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