Definity AUDIX: How to change the time on the Date and Time screen

Doc ID    ADMN100479
Version:    2.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    06 May 2012
Created Date:    27 Sep 2006
Monique Cadena


Release: All

The Date and Time screen is used to set or display the current DEFINITY AUDIX date and time or to request a manual time synchronization with the switch.

This relates to Daylight Savings Time (DST) changes.

This technical tip covers how to change the time on the Date and Time screen for DEFINITY AUDIX.

Set Time

Display Time

Sample Task

To synchronize the DEFINITY AUDIX time with the switch time:

  1. Type set time and press ENTER (F3).

  2. Type y in the Synchronize to Switch? field, and press ENTER (F3) to invoke the operation.

To set the current Year, Month, Day, Hour, or Minute:

  1. Type set time and press ENTER (F3).

  2. Move the cursor to the date/time field (Year, Month, Day, Hour, or Minute) that you want to change and type the desired value.

  3. Press ENTER (F3) to invoke the screen operation.

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