Witness ContactStore: How to set the time on the ContactStore Server

Doc ID    ADMN101524
Version:    2.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    06 May 2012
Created Date:    20 Jun 2007
Monique Cadena


Witness ContactStore for Communication Manager ver 7.x
Red Hat Linux

  • There is no patch available to automatically adjust the system clock for the ContactStore server 
  • The new Daylight Savings Time for 2007 will require a manual set

With the new daylight savings time change, many have requested the steps to make this change so that the ContactStore will display the correct time information. This document provides the steps for changing the time on the ContactStore for Communication Manager (CSCM) server.

The steps to adjust to the system clock to the new time are: 

  1. Log in as the root user 
  2. Stop the CSCM service
    1. As the root user issue the following command:

service cscm stop 

  1. Change the time on the Linux server:
  1. Issue the date command



# date

Wed Feb  7 10:43:47 MST 2007 ßYou should see the current date


  1. Change the time on the server use the date command  



To change the time from 10:43 AM to 12:43 PM


# date -s 12:43

Wed Feb  7 12:43:00 MST 2007 ßThe changed time now displays. 


  1. To propagate the change to the BIOS clock on the system so it will retain the same time during reboot issue the following command:  

clock -w


  1. Either restart the CSCM service or reboot the server as the service will autostart on reboot
    1. As the root user issue the following command:

service cscm start




                 b.   Issue the reboot command



The system time, calls and logs will now display the corrected time.

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