Partner Mail VS: How to change the Time on Partner Mail VS system

Doc ID    ADMN102593
Version:    3.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    22 May 2012
Created Date:    09 Jun 2008
Content Migrator


All releases.


When programming the System Time on the Partner system, enter the time in 24-hour notation. In this scheme, the hours of the day are 0000 (12 midnight) to 2359 (11:59 p.m.). Since each time must have four digits, use leading zeros when necessary. For example, to set the time to 9:00 a.m., enter [0] [ 9] [ 0] [ 0]. For 4:45 p.m., enter [ 1] [ 6] [ 4] [ 5].

The time appears on system display phones as a.m. or p.m. (not in 24-hour notation.)


This article describes how to change the Time on Partner Mail VS system.

When you change the time on the Partner system, the time will also change on the Partner Mail VS system. In some cases, you may need to conduct a System Reset - Programming Saved (#728) for the time to be corrected in the Partner Mail VS system.

The Partner Mail VS gets its time from the Partner Processor.




To change the System Time:

The programming must be done from a display phone on extension 10 or 11.

NOTE: [System Program] = The left Intercom button.
  1. Press [ Feature] [ 0] [0] [ System Program] [ System Program.]
  2. Dial [ #] [ 1] [ 0] [ 3.]
  3. Enter a new time in 24-hour notation.

     For example, to set the time to 2:15p.m., press [ 1] [ 4] [ 1] [ 5].

     A display similar to the following appears:

     System Time

     Data 1415

    This time appears on system display phones as 2:15p.
  4. Select another procedure or exit programming mode by pressing [ Feature] [ 0] [ 0.]

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