Partner Systems: Information on System Time #103

Doc ID    ADMN103466
Version:    8.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    22 Sep 2017
Created Date:    07 Mar 2008
Monique Cadena


Basic Partner Release 3.0 and later systems

All Partner Plus systems

All Partner II systems

All Partner ACS systems

All Partner Endeavor systems

This System Programming procedure sets the time that appears on system display phones.
This article gives information on System Time (#103).
Related features:
  • Backup Programming - Automatic (#123) uses the System Time to schedule the automatic backups
  • Backup Programming - Automatic (#123) and Backup Programming - Manual (#124) do not backup the System Time
  • Restore Programming (#125) does not restore the System Time
  • Be sure that the System Time is set correctly before using backup or restore procedures
  • Enter the time in 24-hour notation. In this scheme, the hours of the day are 0000 (12 midnight) to 2359 (11:59 p.m.). Since each time must have four digits, use leading zeros when necessary. For example, to set the time to 9:00 a.m., enter 0900. For 4:45 p.m., enter 1645
  • The time appears on system display phones as a.m. or p.m. (not in 24-hour notation)
How to program the System Time:
  • At extension 10 or extension 11 on Basic Partner Release 3.0 or later systems
  • Using a display phone at extension 10 on Partner Plus Release 1 or Release 2 systems
  • Using a display phone at extension 10 or 11 on Partner Plus Release 3.0 or later systems, and on all Partner II, Partner ACS and Partner Endeavor systems
  1. Place the programming overlay on your phone
  2. Press Feature 00
  3. Press System Program (or Left Intercom)
  4. Press System Program (or Left Intercom)
  5. Dial #103
  6. Dial the correct time in four digit, 24-hour notation. This is also known as military time
  7. Press Feature 00 to exit programming
To program the System Time using remote administration on Partner ACS Release 3 or later systems:
  1. Connect to the Partner system
  2. From the Administration menu, choose Date and Time. The Partner System Date and Time dialog box appears
  3. In the Time area, enter the hour and minute
  4. Choose AM or PM
  5. Choose the Set button. The Partner system now uses the date and time you specified
  6. When you are finished, select the Close button



If you encounter problems programming this feature:
It's possible you are not programming from extension 10 or 11. To determine the extension you are using, press [Feature] [0] [0]. The display should show "Programming ext. XX".
You are not using a display phone.
The Partner phone you are using is on a MERLIN Legend (R7) or MERLIN MAGIX system. How can you determine if this is the case?
Pick up the handset and select a line button, Dial [Feature] [#] [1].
- If you hear a series of beeps, you are on a Partner system.
- If you hear a waive-off (siren) tone, you are on a Legend or MAGIX system. 

Legacy ID


Additional Relevant Phrases

Time Change How to program system time. Daylight saving programming did not take, have to manually change time.

Avaya -- Proprietary. Use pursuant to the terms of your signed agreement or Avaya policy