Message Networking: R1.1 and R2.0 Manual Clock Change Procedures

Doc ID    SOLN139871
Version:    2.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    06 May 2012
Created Date:    06 Oct 2009
Monique Cadena


Message Networking R1.1 and R2.0  

Problem Clarification

Manual clock change procedures.


1) Log in as ‘sa’

2) Select “Basic System Administration from the main Menu and press enter.

3) Select “Date and Time Administration”

4) Change the time

5) Change the Time Zone to “GMT”

6) Select “Save”

7) Select “Relogin”

8) Log in as ‘sa’

9) Select “Utilities from the main Menu and press enter

10) Select “Reboot system”

11) When asked for wait time, enter 30

12) Select “Reboot”

13) From the warning Message select “OK”

14) You will need to change the time every Spring and Fall

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