Make a backup of the file: cp /etc/opt/ecs/backup/ssh_knownhosts /etc/opt/ecs/backup/ssh_knownhosts.bkp
Delete the line entry for the identified IP address from the "ssh_knownhosts" file.
1. Identify the IP address in the error notice.
2. VI the "ssh_knownhosts" file. "VI /etc/opt/ecs/backup/ssh_knownhosts" <enter> (must be done from SROOT login).
3. Delete the line the references the reported IP Address (move to the head of that line and press "d" twice)
4. Save the file. type :wq! and press <enter>
5. Retry the connection as it should succeed.
cm doesn't support to be ftp server since 20 21 port are not listening.