Web Tips and Troubleshooting: Understanding Entitlements and Next Steps

Doc ID    PRCS100702
Version:    6.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    12 Nov 2021
Created Date:    02 Oct 2014


This article is designed to walk you through the basic understand of web ticketing and entitlements from a web users perspective. 


Here we’ll discuss:

  • Access Control – who can see what
  • Entitled Assets for Service Requests
  • Entitled Parts for Parts Replacement


Access Control


To validate the list of sold-to’s you have access to, use the Sold-To lookup URL: https://support.avaya.com/support/STLookup.action 


If you need to open a ticket, and you do not have access control over the sold-to, you can still do this by choosing the “Sold-to” not listed option.  See the “how-to” in knowledge article PRCS100630


Access Control is your ability to see tickets, sold-to’s and assets on the support.avaya.com website.  It is first determined by your SSO user id type:

·         If you are not logged in you will not see anything – log in or register

·         If you have a No-Relationship sold-to you can initiate a ticket, but you will not be able to see or manage the ticket online because tickets are opened against sold-to’s and you do not have access to the sold-to.  This is also true if you use the “Sold-to” not listed option from a regular SSO login


·         If you have a Customer login:

o   You will be able to see the sold-to’s under the “Administered” side of your profile in https://myprofile.avaya.com. 

o   You can request any sold-to on your “Available” side, but this request must be approved by your Company or Sold-to Administrators. 

o   To find your Administrators, use the following link: https://support.avaya.com/showAdmin/ShowAdminLookup.action

o   You can see any ticket on your sold-to list under the Service Request link (remember, the dashboard is just for tickets YOU are the contact on), except for tickets being managed under a co-delivery agreement with a partner


·         If you have a Business Partner login:

o   You will be able to see the sold-to’s sold-to’s under the “Administered” side of your profile in https://myprofile.avaya.com. 

o   You will be able to see any end-customer sold-to associated to your BP link id.

o   If the End-Customer sold-to is not associated with your link id, use the Customer Authorization Tool – CAT to request access to it: https://support.avaya.com/loa/

o   You can see any ticket on your sold-to list under the Service Request where someone from your link id is the contact.  If the end-customer is the contact on the Service Request you will not be able to see it

o   You can learn more about co-delivery management via knowledge article PRCS10034


Entitled Assets for Service Requests


For normal Service Requests (versus Parts) we show all of the “box-level” assets (versus the field-replaceable, child parts) that have any entitlement on them that has flowed from your Classic Avaya SAP contract or your heritage Nortel Clarify Contract.


Both the contract and the install-base asset have to be present on the sold-to for the part to appear as entitled.


The web-site may be delayed in showing a newly registered product or new entitlement as the data has to flow to the databases in the system.


If you do not see the asset you are looking for on the default Entitled Assets view for Service Request creation then:

·         Toggle to the Assets without Entitlement view.  If you have just recently added maintenance, you can select this asset.  If the entitlement is in the ticketing system, it will be picked up as an entitled part.

o   You can explore your Account Entitlements through the My Information->Explore Accounts/Sold To's menu rail towards the top of the support site


·         If your Asset is not being displayed in either the Entitled Asset or Assets without Entitlement views, and your asset has not just been registered through the Global Registration Tool (GRT), then you should validated that you asset is named on your install-base

o   Through GRT at https://support.avaya.com/grt  (if you don’t know how to use GRT, there are lots of instructions on this website)

o   Or from the My Information->Explore Accounts/Sold To's menu rail towards the top of the support site


·         If your Agreements are missing from your sold-to and have not just been newly created, (newly created agreements take a few hours to flow to the web view):

o   Validate that your asset is on your install-base with the previous bullet points.  Without an install-base asset, there is nothing to apply the service entitlement to

o   Validate your Agreements on a Sold-to through the My Information->Explore Accounts/Sold To's menu rail towards the top of the support site

o   If your agreements are missing, contact your Business Partner, Distributor, or Avaya Sales Account manager.


Entitled Parts for Parts Replacement


A part is eligible for replacement if it is:

·         Named on your install-base for the sold-to selected or is in the “Minor Material” catalog

·         Has a specific parts-replacement entitlement against it.


You can see the parts you have entitled for replacement by using the Explore Accounts button on your support.avaya.com dashboard or through the Global Registration Tool (GRT) at https://support.avaya.com/grt


A “part” is an install-base record where Avaya has determined you can request the replacement as a drop-shipment.  No Service Associate has to approve this ticket, as the systems will automatically process the request.  Not all parts are eligible to be put through this process. 


If you are missing a part on your sold-to that you think is eligible for replacement use the Parts Investigation Request.   A Parts Investigation Request will allow you to create a ticket for which Avaya will investigate the entitlement for a parts replacement when the part is not listed on your install-base. After the agent review, you will be engaged during normal business hours to discuss this request. No order will be sent until your entitlement has been confirmed.


To find out how to create a Parts Investigation Request, visit knowledge article: PRCS100727



Additional Assistance


If you have taken the necessary actions outlined above and the entitlements are still incorrect, please contact the Helpdesk to open a ticket at OneCare portal  htttps://onecare.avaya.com for further assistance


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