Workplace: screensharing and AltGR buttons

Doc ID    SOLN362423
Version:    1.0
Status:    Published
Published date:    11 May 2021


When starting the screensharing and control, certain keyboard button dont work


Problem Clarification

Whenever there is a WebRTC Meeting

Most exactly if DEU (or HUN) keyboard is used on the host computer, those carachers
that needs AtlGr does not pass ower screensharig

When using AltGr key, the caharcrers are not passed over (neither if both keyboars
are set to DEU)


 feature not yet implemented


Fix/change implemented in 3.19

1. The AltGr or Right Alt buttons have been enabled for use in content sharing, so the customer’s scenario should work.
For example, for 2 users with GER/HUN keyboard languages, the Euro sign should be passed through the Grand Access Control window.

2. By default, all users have Alt based shortcuts. For example: Alt + Ctrl + E = End Call. If the user tries to pass the special symbol which intercepted with shortcuts, the shortcuts will be invoked first.
So, if the user will face with such behavior, Release 3.19 introduces a new AADS config parameter - SET ALTERNATIVE_DEFAULT_SHORTCUTS 1. It helps to set up alternative shortcuts based on Shift button. It also should works and for Hidden mode.

3. On the first launch of AIXW client with a new config parameter the user should see a dialog window and choose: new configuration or keep current.

4. If user chooses “Configure new”, new shortcuts will be set.

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